Over 120 organisations sign solidarity declaration for Sterrebos activists

Since Friday morning the 18th century Sterrebos forest near Born is being occupied. Activists are trying to prevent the logging by car company VDL Nedcar. We are in 100% solidarity with the activists of Red het Sterrebos and call on the authorities to respect the fundamental rights of the activists by allowing contact with the outside world.

With a show of force the mayor of Sittard-Geleen is trying to prevent people from even coming close to the Sterrebos. For instance, an emergency regulation was issued on Thursday morning because they thought that XR activists were planning to block the roads around Born. But when angry farmers actually blocked roads several times in recent years, they were not hindered.

The authorities are now trying to isolate the activists. Only after 24 hours and under great pressure did the municipality allow activists to be given food and drink once a day. Sunday morning iron fences were even put up around the forest. During the night, activists are kept awake with torches and loud music by the security guards who are present in large numbers. By undermining the fundamental rights of activists in this way, the safety of the activists is compromised and they are isolated from the wider support of the outside world.

VDL Nedcar now builds cars for BMW until 2023. The company does not even have a client for the period after that, but has already received permission from the province of Limburg to cut down the forest. VDL Nedcar hopes to attract the start-up Rivian as a new customer. On the website of this producer of electric cars they display the slogan ‘Preserving the natural world. Forever’.

Fine words, but when in reality an 18th century forest is cut down under the guise of nature conservation and climate solutions, something is not right. Growth for growth’s sake is the cause of the current climate crisis. We do not need more cars at the expense of nature reserves such as Amelisweerd and Sterrebos. It can be done differently. Nature and jobs and mobility. This requires billions to be spent on better and more accessible public transport, instead of billions on big polluters as Rutte IV is doing.

The courageous activists of Red het Sterrebos are now pulling the emergency brake of an economic system that is solely focused on expansion. We may not all be in a position to climb a tree, but we will do everything we can to support them – for example with donations – and spread their message. Respect the forest liberators! Hands off the Sterrebos!

Does your organization also want to support the activists with a signature? You can do that here.

Signatories so far:

1037 Against Animal Cruelty
Active for Justice
AFA Nederland
AFA Utrecht
Alle Dieren Vrij
Amelisweerd niet Geasfalteerd
Amnesty International werkgroep Parkstad
Anarchistische Antideportatie Groep Utrecht (AAGU)
Animal Rebellion NL
Antifascistisch Collectief 020
Antifascistisch Front Maastricht
ASEED Europe
Behoud Lutkemeerpolder
Bereniging boeremerret Limburg
BIJ1 Delft
Black Lives Matter Parkstad
Bloei! in Arnhem
Bomenstichting Achterhoek
Bomenwerkgroep Fraxinus Excelsior
Boris foundation
Bossche groenen
Caring Vets
Centrum Spiraal VOF
Clarity in clearness
Code Rood
Comité Schone Lucht
De Klimaatcoalitie
De Luchtfietsers
Diervriendelijk Nederland
Duurzaam Altrade
Duurzaam Nederland
Duurzaam Neer en Omgeving
Earthlings NL
EcoVrede.nl FFRM Network
Extinction Rebellion Fryslân
Extinction Rebellion Maastricht
Extinction Rebellion NL
Extinction Rebellion Roermond
Fair Future Generators
Federatie tegen Biomassacentrales
Feminists of Maastricht
Fossielvrij NL
Fractie GroenLinks Limburg
Free Palestine Maastricht
Fridays For Future Maastricht
Fridays for Future Nederland
Fridays for Future Roermond
Gedeelde Weelde
GroenLinks Maastricht
GroenLinks Parkstad
Het Groene Hart Brabant
Internationale Socialisten
IVN Limburg
Jongeren Milieu Actief
KAN Party
Klimaatactie Nijmegen
Klimaatcoalitie Maastricht
Klimaatcoalitie Nijmegen
Klimaatcoalitie Parkstad
Klimaatplatform regio Weert
Meneer Boom en vrienden
Oy Vey Acts – Joden voor rechtvaardigheid
parents for future Kreis Viersen, Deutschland
Partij voor de bomen op Texel
Partij voor de Dieren
Partij voor de Dieren Maastricht
Partij voor de dieren Roermond
Pickets of Maastricht
Platform Stop Racisme
Privé, pensionado Naturalis en Hortus botanicus Leiden
Radical Solidarity
Reclame Fossielvrij
Siewe visueel
Social Tipping Point Coalitie
Stadslandbouw Mooieweg
Stadstuinderij het Beleg
Stichting Arnhems Peil
Stichting Eco Centraal
Stichting Limburgse voedselbosbrigade
Stichting Milieuwerkgroepen Ede
Stichting transfarmers
Stichting vrienden van het Jac P Thijssepark
Stichting Vrienden van XR Eindhoven
Stop AWACS Overlast
Stop Ecocide Foundation
Stop The War On Migrants
Students for Future
Teachers for Climate
The Lickin’ Company
Tropism Art & Science Collective
United for Life
Vereniging Boeremerret Limburg
Vereniging boeremerret Limburg
Vereniging boeremerret limburg
WISE Nederland
XR Eindhoven
XR Landbouw
XR NL Fashion Action
XR RoermondJetzt